Visual Flight Forums
Update 14 June 2017: Posting new topics and replies *may* now be working, but I've not had a chance to fully test yet, and there may be other parts of the forum not working. I'm still here working on it. Sorry it's taken this long so far.
First of all, thank you everyone for your continuing loyalty and support using the Visual Flight forums. Quite a select group now I know, but with a great sense of community.
First the good news: It's my intention to keep the Visual Flight forums running both as an active vehicle for those who want to keep using it, and also as an archive for all the useful and interesting posts that you (and I) have made over the years.
The bad news is that my hosting supplier has let us down badly by pulling the plug on my hosting account after heavens's knows how many years and something like $2,500 in hosting fees.
Quite a shock to me, and I'm sure a shock to you to discover (if you did) that first the forums were offline for some time, and then that all your posts since September 2015 have disappeared.
I'll see if I can get a backup copy from them. There should be one, but have they deleted it along with the web site itself? We'll see, but I'm not optimistic.
In the meantime, this is the most recent offline backup copy I have of the forums, and I can only apologise if the loss of all your posts since Sept 2015 proves to be irrecoverable.
Please note: It doesn't seem to be possible to post to the forum at the moment. I'm working to correct this as soon as possible. Please bear with me.
Once again, thank you for your participation and support over the years, and let me reiterate that I intend to keep the forums running as long as there is a need (and beyond!).
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by admin — last
modified 2006-04-17 16:44